• Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) – in all cases you will retain 100% of the IPR for your title when using Blitzprint. You are free at any point to use any other service or printer. The only right we need to be given is the right to reproduce the title, without that we can’t legally print the book.
  • Copyright – Copyright law is a big topic and for any definitive answers you’re best to talk to a good intellectual property lawyer. But, the gist of it is this: copyright is implied at creation. If you write a novel, the copyright is “yours”. The challenge is establishing a timeline of “when” you created the novel because in a copyright case, who came up with it first, will usually win.
  • Title – The title of your book is not subject to copyright and in all likelihood, there are other books out there with the same title.
  • Liable – You are completely liable should your title infringe on someone’s copyright or contain defamatory statements.
  • Product or company names – Using a trademarked name in your novel is generally fine as long as it doesn’t appear to confuse the reader. Saying, “Bob took a sip of Coke” will not be a problem. Saying, “Bob, hopped in his brand new Coca-Cola roadster and drove off” will confuse the brand and might get you in trouble.
  • Contracts – You don’t actually have a contract with us, simply an agreement. Either party can exit at any point without penalty.